Friday, November 11, 2016

Totally Free Domain Names


Domain name is the name that is used when registering a personalized website. It is the exact address a surfer types when searching for a specific webpage on the net. Free domain names are being used for personal use and for those who are starting their business through the net. Having a domain name is a tough job because you have to compete with others in the net.
The domain name you are to use should be unique and catchy words that a customer or a surfer could memorize and easily remember. The domain name can be easily loaded if there is a specific term used in describing your website.
Totally free domain name are used to minimize costs in promoting one's website. In registering your domain name to a website host, the website that your domain name is using should bear the logo of the website host you are registered to. This is called opportunity cost. It is like a two-way relationship that allows you to use the server while the company's name and name are posted on your website. There are no fees being covered if you registered with this kind of system.
It is totally free because you do not have any control with the ad pop-ups in your website, as well as the banners ads and spam mails. One of the disadvantages of having totally free domain name is that you have no guarantee that your website is secured from hackers. There is no always an update in your website, it has limited features and there is no way you can track your customers.
For more great information on Free Domain Names visit our new website

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