Sunday, November 13, 2016

Beware Of The Strings Attached To Getting A Free Domain Name For Life


There are a few web hosting companies around that offer a free domain name for life as part of their marketing technique or as a special deal, but in reality they are not really free as there are usually strings attached to the free domain name for life promotion. In this article we will look at how these promotions work and what they actually mean in terms of what you have to do to keep the free domain name for life.
Firstly, if you ever see the offer of a free domain name for life the first thing that you must check out before you do anything else is find out who actually owns the domain. You may think that it will be you but some companies will register the name themselves then let you use it while you are using them, but if you try to leave and move the domain name you will suddenly find that you can not as it is not yours, or they will try and sell it to you.
So, make sure that you know who owns the domain name before you do anything else.
Now that that important part is out of the way, here is how the free domain name for life offers and promotions usually work.
These companies that make this offer usually offer it as part of a package deal.
For example you have to sign up for a year hosting and when you renew your hosting after the first year, they will renew your domain - in effect giving you a free domain for life as long as you keep your hosting with them.
Another example that I came across the other day was that you had to get a new domain name with them - you could not transfer in a domain name that you already owned from somewhere else.
Registering a domain and hosting a domain are two separate things and can be done at two separate places.
If you want to move your hosting to another company you are free to do so, but you may then find out that your old hosting company that was offering the free domain name for life will not renew your domain name as you are no longer using them.
In this case you need to make sure that before you move a domain name away from a host that was offering a free domain name for life, that you have control of your domain and that you can update the Name Server records for your domain, else you will find that you have moved your domain but you can not get the new site showing in a browser as it is still pointing to the old site.
Further Reading:
For more valuable tips on how to choose domain names, as well as information on how to get a domain name for life [] visit this site immediately

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