Thursday, November 10, 2016

Free Domain Name


Many web hosting sites will include a free domain name with some of their web hosting plans. This is an excellent way for them to bring in new customers, since many people are looking to save as much money as possible. Some of these sites will offer to register a free domain name for you for a year and others will make it free for life.
Make sure to read the terms and conditions when you register a free domain name through a web hosting provider. Often, their guarantee will only stand for as long as you are subscribed to one of their hosting plans. Sometimes this also means that they retain ownership of the domain name. So if you decide to switch hosting companies, you may not be able to take your free domain name with you - even if you are willing to pay for it after leaving the original hosting company.
Regardless of the terms that may apply, if you can find a good hosting company that offers you a domain name with their plans, they can save you a bit of money. If their terms will not allow you to keep the domain name after switching hosts, you will want to make sure that the host has everything you will need both now and in the future. Your site will, hopefully, grow over time - and then you may need features not offered by the host you are looking at.
There are a few other ways to obtain a free domain name:
Some websites will let you register a free domain name in return for completing a few offers. These offers may include completing surveys, becoming a member of various sites or signing up for certain services. Some simply want you to view a bunch of ads. This method of obtaining a domain name can be time consuming, though. Each action you do on these sites will give you points, and sometimes you need hundreds of points before you are able to get the free domain name you are after.
Other websites will give you a free domain name in return for a simple link back to their selling page. This link needs to be clearly visible on your home page, and the domain name you receive may not have the most popular extension (.com, .ca or .net), but it is a good way to get started if you cannot afford to pay for a domain name right away. If you can afford to pay a little extra in the future, these sites will often let you pay a small fee (considerably less than it would cost you for a .com or other popular extension) to take their link off of your website.
Registering a domain is a great way to save a bit of money when you are starting a new website. If your hosting service includes a free domain name, even if it is only for a year, then it's one less thing you need to worry about right away. If you choose to earn a free domain by completing offers or by posting a link on your website, you can easily upgrade to a better domain name with a more popular extension once your site has earned you a little extra money.
Abdul Salam is an expert affiliate marketer and also have great knowledge of internet business and web hosting. Find out more about best web hosting and FREE domain name here on []. Read the reviews and user feedback about the best web hosting [] company.

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