Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Get a Free Domain Name Registration With Website Hosting


How to register a good domain name for free with website hosting Register a domain name for your brilliant idea before someone else takes it.
How do domain names work? When you type a domain name, a request goes out to find out which server on the Internet has that site. The domain name is then changed into a set of numbers identifying that machine. The table that tells which domain name goes with what numbers is called a "registry". So to get a domain name, you need a registrar. ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers) assigns a registrar for every domain. Verisign, for example. In turn, Verisign authorizes other companies to act as registrars, like GoDaddy. Different registrars offer different prices and different web services.
Next, you need to search to see if is is available. If it is, you can buy the domain. Almost all registrars will try and sell you other services, but you really only need to register the domain name. Enter your name and an address, like a P.O. Box because your address will be listed on the Internet. You might also choose a website hosting provider so that you can begin to create pages and email addresses for your new domain name. Be sure to shop around for a website hosting provider because there are a lot to choose from.
Free domain names with website hosting It may sound confusing, but it isn't. Basically, you just need to find a reputable website hosting company that can register your domain name at the same time you sign up for website hosting. And some website hosting firms will offer you free domain name registration if you sign up for web hosting for one year.
Consider the available web hosting options, such as dedicated server space or shared memory, and plan ahead. Sticking to a budget is important, but think of your budget in terms of about six months. If you choose an inferior package to begin with, it will end up costing more in the long run.
Selecting a web host can be an excellent chance for you to contribute to the environment. If you are running an online business, this can also be a fantastic marketing opportunity. You should be able to easily determine whether the web host utilizes renewable power sources, and if they have energy saving practices in place.
Make sure you know in advance exactly what you plan to use your website for. If you plan on having a site for business use, in that situation, you want a hosting site with plenty of bandwidth, storage space and data transfer. If your site is mainly just going to be for blogging, then you'll want to check into domain mapping.
So get started with your online business idea before someone else grabs it!
Ms. Rosendahl has over 19 years experience in systems analysis, hosted applications, and management as well as 13 years experience in web hosting and Internet marketing. Ms. Rosendahl has a Bachelors from Houston Baptist University with a double major in Computer Information Systems and Business Management. Stephanie is the founder and CEO ofwebsite hosting firm - green hosting.

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