Thursday, November 10, 2016

How Can I Register a Domain Name So it Gives Me the Most Traffic?


When you register a domain name, there are a few options you have. First, there are many companies available and the prices vary from $1.50 to $20, but previously used domains with traffic possibilities can even cost thousands of dollars. Of course you will also need hosting, which basically means a company that stores the files that are needed to have your site operational, along with various services, such as site building, blog program, email accounts, etc.
The hard part about registering a domain name is picking the right name. There are literally hundreds of millions of web sites on the internet. This also means many domain names are already taken. This is what some "expert" recommends about picking your domain name:
Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and spell. When deciding on your domain name, come up with a list of your three or four top choices and then search for availability. If all of your names are taken in domain, look for,.org domain instead.
While the above is true in a way and seems sensible, you are going to miss the boat completely if that is all you do. Even worse, you will be losing free traffic that you could be getting for free if you had correctly picked your domain name. It may have a very catchy name, and still bring you no traffic. There are certain very simple laws of search engines, based on keyword search statistics and there are also laws of visitor behavior that you absolutely need to take into consideration when picking your domain name, otherwise it will be a lot harder to start up your site.
At the time of writing, the title of this article gets searched 401 times a day. That is potential traffic if you know how to take advantage of it.
To find out how you can get traffic by correctly picking your domain name..
To get the lowest cost domain name and hosting... click below
How can I register a domain name [] so it gives me the most traffic?
John Dime's philosophy is: don't pay for things more than you need to. Find and list your bargains [] here.

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