Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Free Domain Names: What's the Catch?

My high school economics teacher used to say, "There is no such thing as a free lunch". He implied that someone, somewhere, was paying for it.
Advertising offers for free domain names popup often on websites. Are users paying for that free name in some form? Is there a catch to having a free domain name?
There are several issues to be aware of when considering a free domain offer:
First, is it a real domain or a subdomain? The physical difference is [http://www.yourdomain.com] versus yourdomain.theirservice.com. The former is far easier for users to read and remember. The functional difference is a matter of ownership. You would own yourdomain.com, but the service would own the subdomain version. Owning a real legitimate domain name is critical to any websites success. MAny people fail to realize this fact. Buy a real domain for your website and your future success won't be hampered by a lousy subdomain domain.
A lot of free "real" domains are offered by web hosting companies. Web hosts will offer free domains with a web hosting package. Be careful signing up for such service. You may end up with a free domain but a year's worth of junky web hosting service. The best advice is to keep your domains registered and web sites hosted with different companies. As my high school economic teacher also used to say, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
Finally, seriously consider what domain ownership means. Domain ownership means possessing virtual real estate. Domain names have value and can be bought, sold, traded and developed. They are an investment. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from true domain ownership even if the offer is free.
Paul Flyer writes about domain name registration [http://www.recommendedwebtools.com/index.php/domain-names] on his Recommended Web Tools website. For more information on choosing, registering and managing domain names, download his free ebook, The Domain Name Handbook at [http://www.recommendedwebtools.com/index.php/domain-name-handbook/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/419191

Why a Free Domain Name is Convenient

You do not have to pay for a domain name because you can find a free domain name. The free services come with different features and you can get to read some of the details on the internet. The free domain name gives you the opportunity to have a name in the most convenient way. There are things to consider while choosing the free domain name so that you can achieve what you wish with the domain. You may want to facilitate the growth of your business by getting a huge web traffic. You may also want to increase your presence and build a formidable brand name. You can achieve all this but, you need to create an address that will attract many people to your site.
The first thing you should consider when deciding a free domain name is what message you expect the potential customers to perceive when they see your domain and they should perceive several things. They should know what kind of business you deal with and know the products and services, they should remember the domain without having to struggle and they should appreciate it for serving a marketing purpose. A good domain name should be short, concise and appealing. It should be able to draw people and make them curious of what you are offering. There are domains that you might see and not get curious and it is obvious that the names are missing something.
If you have a serious business, you need to have a name that is not goofy. This is because the customers need to take you seriously. If you are in show business, an informal way of presenting your domain will be helpful and this reflects the nature of the business. It is good to take the tips that are usually available on sites. Do not use symbols or abbreviations but instead, you can use hyphens and letters to create your free domain. You must be very careful when companies announce they are offering free services. There might be hidden costs and therefore, before you get it, you must know what the deal entails. They will also have free registrations and this can provide a very good opportunity for you to acquire a name with ease.
If you wish to have your free domain name registered privately, then you need to find out whether the company offers this service and if they do not, find another free domain with a private plan. If you find that you need to pay for the private policy, it will be worth it because you will be protecting very vital personal information from the scrutiny of the public. Many people continue to abuse this privilege and cause so much harm to businesses and individuals. When you are protected, the people trying to connect to you will be directed to the company that has registered your domain, and they will alert you. It is a helpful way to protect your business. If you do not have a domain name, get one for free and you do not have to start a site immediately.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Search Engine Optimization. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here INTERNET DOMAIN NAMES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1223375

Web Hosting With Free Domain Name

When signing up for a web hosting account, be sure to take advantage of the promotional items. Many hosting companies offer free domain names to entice new customers to sign up. Along with your hosting, you should be getting a free domain name. A domain name cost about $10 a year. So that means you are getting a $10 discount upfront on your hosting plan.
What happens if you wish to change web host?
Don't worry, your domain name won't be stuck with your hosting company. But you must transfer your domain name out to your favorite registrar (like GoDaddy or NameCheap) after you sign up for your hosting. The domain is free - it is given to you. You should have full control over the domain name. The only way to regain control is to request for a transfer. Send a support ticket to your hosting company, mentioning that you would like the domain to be transferred to your registrar. They will revert with the transfer instructions.
Once the domain has been transferred out, remember to change your domain name servers to point back to your servers. Otherwise, you will experience down time.
A domain name can become a very valuable brand. So even though it's offered to you free of charge, don't just register for any domain name. Make sure you pick one that suits your business.
You can make as many searches as you like on the web hosting site to see if the names that you want are available. Try to choose domain names that contain your primary keywords in it. For example, if you are selling "basketball shoes", you may wish to register something like "basketballshoes dot com". Always choose a dot com extension if it's available. A dot net or dot org will do as well, but they are not really meant for commercial sites.
After you have transferred the domain name to your registrar, you can switch hosting companies any time you like.
To do so, start by signing up for a new hosting account. Don't terminate your existing hosting account yet. Transfer all the files and databases to the new server. Sometimes, if you give the login details to the support department of the new company, they may even transfer everything for you. Test out the site on the new server. If everything works out fine, it's time to make changes to your domain name servers (DNS).
Go to your registrar, and make a request to change the DNS. You have to modify at least two fields - the primary DNS and the secondary DNS. Once the changes have been made, the site migration will take place. Do be patient and allow up to 48 hours for the information to be updated. If the domain name still point to your old server after 48 hours, recheck the DNS, and send an email to your registrar to see what could have gone wrong.
Usually, when done correctly, the domain name will point to the new site within a few hours.
Its common to have free domain registration when you signup annual hosting plan. You can transfer out the domain to your favourite registrar when you decided to change hosting company. Search for unlimited domain hosting plan from our top web hosting comparison and review site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3264200

Sunday, November 13, 2016

How To Register A Domain Name And Host Your Website

How to register a domain name and host your website is the first thing that you should learn when committing to an online business or forum. It is also one of the simplest-until you start to examine the options. There are a score of web host companies out there vying for your business and each one of them will tell you what you want to hear, but what do the ones that actually deliver look like? In order to know how to register a domain name and host your website in a way that actually benefits you, it is important to start with the features that you absolutely must have.
First, look at the maintenance and safety record of the potential host. Ask the owners for statistics regarding up time. Talk to some of the site owners who operate under their banner, and make sure that you have a legitimately unbiased opinion before moving on to the next step.
Secondly, find out what security measures the provider takes on a daily basis to keep out malicious spyware, trojans, worms, and viruses. There are a lot of predators online, and each one can set your site back weeks in both functionality and traffic. Before you concede these all important features, make sure that your host is in business to keep you safe.
Thirdly, decide what type of server you need for your business. Larger organizations typically choose dedicated servers. Although these cost more, they also offer a more hands free approach to maintenance updates, security and uptime. If you have a smaller venture, however, this may not be feasible. In that case opt for a shared host. You can still get a high level of commitment when it comes to keeping the site running effectively. You just may have to share the help with some of the other sites on their list.
Fourthly, know your limits. Each hosting company promises a certain degree of functionality. It is up to you to decide what you need. Some hosts give you unlimited file transfer and data storage while others will let you pay for only what you need. Budget is an important part of picking out the right plan. And that brings you to the last step for how to register a domain name and host your website:
Do it! Comparing the rates out there against the features that your site needs to operate at maximum efficiency comes down to this simple step. Use the host's search functions to see if your name is available, and once you've decided it is, use the checkout system. Paying by credit or debit is often a secure way to gain instant access, so you can start your online venture today.
The web professional recommends ipage web hosting, an affordable and reliable web hosting services for beginner and professional. You get free domain name from ipage hosting when choosing ipage.com annual hosting plan!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5281512

Beware Of The Strings Attached To Getting A Free Domain Name For Life

There are a few web hosting companies around that offer a free domain name for life as part of their marketing technique or as a special deal, but in reality they are not really free as there are usually strings attached to the free domain name for life promotion. In this article we will look at how these promotions work and what they actually mean in terms of what you have to do to keep the free domain name for life.
Firstly, if you ever see the offer of a free domain name for life the first thing that you must check out before you do anything else is find out who actually owns the domain. You may think that it will be you but some companies will register the name themselves then let you use it while you are using them, but if you try to leave and move the domain name you will suddenly find that you can not as it is not yours, or they will try and sell it to you.
So, make sure that you know who owns the domain name before you do anything else.
Now that that important part is out of the way, here is how the free domain name for life offers and promotions usually work.
These companies that make this offer usually offer it as part of a package deal.
For example you have to sign up for a year hosting and when you renew your hosting after the first year, they will renew your domain - in effect giving you a free domain for life as long as you keep your hosting with them.
Another example that I came across the other day was that you had to get a new domain name with them - you could not transfer in a domain name that you already owned from somewhere else.
Registering a domain and hosting a domain are two separate things and can be done at two separate places.
If you want to move your hosting to another company you are free to do so, but you may then find out that your old hosting company that was offering the free domain name for life will not renew your domain name as you are no longer using them.
In this case you need to make sure that before you move a domain name away from a host that was offering a free domain name for life, that you have control of your domain and that you can update the Name Server records for your domain, else you will find that you have moved your domain but you can not get the new site showing in a browser as it is still pointing to the old site.
Further Reading:
For more valuable tips on how to choose domain names, as well as information on how to get a domain name for life [http://www.buyadomainnameforlife.com] visit this site immediately

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6931512

Disadvantages of Free Domain Names

There are certain benefits of using free domain names. However, you will rarely find a serious business thriving on a free domain name. According to Seoprofiler.com; domain name, domain age, and hosting providers may have an effect on search engine rankings. So, if you book a good domain name for 10 years, it shows search engines that you are serious about your business. Most domains are registered and in just 6 months, they are parked. It also happens with many free domain names. It is easy to start your blog/website with a free domain name and hosting service but, you cannot achieve high rankings with a free service.
You will never get full control over your content, website layout, and monetization options. Just suppose that you have established a blog on blogger. You have published your content, you are getting good traffic and hopefully the blog is generating good advertisement revenue. But, if the blogger just shuts down your Google account.You will not have your email address, your blog content, your audience and your money. You cannot contact anyone. I understand that it is a hopeless situation. It rarely happens, but, when it does, you have no other option then to stay silent.
A paid hosting service and domain registration may cost a few dollars, but it is worth your money if you are starting a business. If you just want to share your opinion with the world, then, a free domain is a good choice.
Most internet marketers and business professionals will guide you about purchasing your own domain name. Because, it rarely happens that a Blogspot website is doing a great business. Free domain names are not just limited to Blogspot. I forgot to mention the other names like webs.com, WordPress, and many others. These kind of domains are easy to get and at the same time it is easy to lose them. You can waste all of your SEO efforts, written articles, and research. So, is it better to purchase your own domain name?
The answer is yes. Because of spamming, Google does not give much credit to free domain names. Most businesses use such domains to get a few back links and you will hardly find good content on such websites. I am not trying to minimize the value of starting a free blog/website, but, if you want to start a reputable business, then, registering a free domain name is not a good choice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8851733

How to Register a Domain and Build a Website

In order to have a website you need to build one or have one built for you. Or maybe you just need to forward that domain, either way you still need hosting. Hosting is a service that allows for numerous people to browse your website. It is basically summarized to be space. Building a website requires little to a lot of attention, it all depends on what you want on the site. If you don't have the time to build a website, get a hosting and domain service to build one for you. Be sure when you register: check what you need, there are plans for 1 year, or choose for up to 10 years. While you are checking, look at the hosting plan before purchasing. Free domains won't cut it for a business or for a reliable site. Just go for a well put together plan or service.
Enough talk, if you need to get a domain and get one for a very reasonable price, you should know first that you will need other products to go with that new domain depending on your preference; weather it be an email account, extra web pages, or a dedicated IP. I know you can get domains starting at $8. 49 and depending on your entire purchase you can get free extras. This site that I currently use is very reliable, they even have a support number! Look, if you are serious about getting a website and don't have the time, or maybe you just want to run your business and not deal with building the website yourself, they will build one for you. Registering a domain is easy but you really need to choose the right services. The customer service is great and the products are reliable.
I can assure you that working with the online a site builder on was really easy and helpful. They also offer help while you are building. Experience is not required with the account. They also start you off with a pre-built site that you can completely edit yourself. If you are looking for a complete website make-over, this is the place. Remember, if you want reliable hosting and a great working website, deal with a pro I just mentioned is a professional site. Don't just take my word for it check me out and i can give you more info, you won't be disappointed.
Tanisa Landrm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5266789

Friday, November 11, 2016

Having Trouble Registering a Domain Name? - Here's Help


Registering a domain names nowadays is super cheap and has decreased drastically over the years. From costing over $20 some years back you can now get one for anything from $6 - $10 about the same price as a pizza and coke...
Domains are purchased for numerous reasons - Anything from buying to resell to the creation of a fully fledged and optimized Ecommerce or Affiliate Site.
Registering your domain name and choosing the correct one is one of the most important factors when starting a site or online business.
Try Choosing a name that is:
- Available and preferably a .com
- Easy to remember
- Possibly Brandable within the targeted niche or market
- Easy to spell and pronounce
- Not crude, foul or racially offensive.
- illustrate and conveys the main factor of what your site and site's market entails.
Getting to pick your domain:
- Start by brainstorming and doing keyword research on the nature of your site and it's market or specific niche. You can also use online thesaurus to find relevant and targeted keywords.
- Make sure that your short list of possible and viable domains are available by heading over to NameCheap.com... Simply type in the word, phrase or brandable keyword. Select either .com or .org etc and then see if it available. Do your bet to acquire a relevant .com domain.
- Now after having a list of possible domain names that are available go ahead and leave them for a day or two. Then after that try and remember some of them without actually looking at the list, this will give you an indication if visitors will do the same... this especially important if you wish to brand your site and want repeat visits on a regular basis. If you can't remember it what's the chances of your customers remembering it.
My final tip is to go ahead and register the domain yourself. Don't fall prey to people wanting to help you out... If you let someone else register it for you, you will be running the risk of them putting it in their name and this could spell real problem for you in the future. Just Imagine Mr. Zuckerburg registered Facebook in someone else's name. Yip you got it, not good...
So for all your Internet and Affiliate Marketing needs + to Learn Affiliate Marketing [http://www.affiliateteachings.com] from the Best in the business give Affiliate Teachings a shout...
All The Best

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1258370

Free Domain Names - Why You Must Tread Lightly


You need to be very careful when searching for free domain names on the internet because you may get what you don't bargain for. There are some free domains that are not ideal for business purpose and that is why experienced webmasters stay away from them. If you want your website to make any serious impact online, you should not get a wrong free domain.
Top level domains (TLDs) are perfect for serious online campaigns while sub-domains are good for those who need platforms to express themselves for fun. There is a limit to the rate of success you can achieve with a sub space area because there are restrictions to its use. You won't have the freedom to fully express yourself and carry out certain functions since you are not the owner of the space area.
Moreover, a sub-domain will not allow you to protect yourself from cyber-squatting, which is the registration of different variations of a popular domain name in order to benefit from its popularity. There is a story of a bank chief who did not protect his domain name thereby giving cyber-squatters the opportunity register the variations, and they did. He later paid thousands of dollars to buy these variations when he discovered that some of them were being used to tarnish the image of his bank. Consequently, if you are launching a business website, it is advisable for you to register a TLD with its variations.
Afterall, registering a domain name is not expensive and you can even get free domain names if you subscribe to certain web hosting plans. It is also important for you to note that domain names are renewable every year and this means that you cannot get a free name for life. That is why free TLDs are ideal for business purposes so that their renewal will not be a problem. But if the intention of your online presence is just to have fun, free sub-domains are ideal for you.
If you are not very careful with free domain name offers on the internet, your online campaign may be adversely affected especially if you are launching a business website. Hence, it is very essential for you to carry out your research properly before taking an action on this issue because forewarned is forearmed. You should seek for the right information and make sure that you make the best use of it in order to get your business online.
In order to get additional information on free domain names, you should visit Sofreedomains.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8898371

Free Domain Names - Merits and Demerits


Free domain names have come to stay on the World Wide Web especially free top-level domains attached to web hosting packages. However, it is not unexpected that to every coin, there are two sides to it. While there are merits to free names, there are demerits and this piece intends to reveal both of them.
One major merit of a free domain is cost effectiveness which is very essential for any website owner. With the reduction in expenses for creating a website, the owner will be able to save cost and have more funds for other web development tasks. Besides, since majority of free names are for one year, you will have enough time to raise funds for renewal when they expire and you can renew for one, two or three years and above. For a short period site, it is like a gift because there may not be need for renewal. Hence, free names are very useful for special events and festivals because once the events are over, there is no need for renewal.
In addition, web developers don't joke with free domains because they enhance their jobs. Majority of web developers register multiple domains names for one website in order to defeat cybersquatters. What cybersquatters do is to register many variations of popular websites with the intention of selling them to the owners of the websites or benefit from their popularity.
On the other hand, one major demerit of a free domain is limited service. If you get a free TLD attached to a web hosting plan, you can only use it for one year and later renew it. If you get a sub-domain (which is not recommended for serious online business), you will not have access to the Domain Management System (DMS) which is the basic proof of domain ownership. Also a free sub-domain may be flooded with both wanted and unwanted adverts which may not be ideal for your business. It may also not be dependable because the owner of the domain can ban it at anytime and this can lead to loss of rank, visitors, back-links and so on.
Consequently, extra caution must be taken when going for free domain names. It is very important for you to get your free names from a reliable source especially if you are getting a TLD attached to a web hosting package. It is strongly advisable to stay away from free sub-domains unless you want to be online for fun. Sub-domains are not ideal for online businesses, hence, you can pay to register a name (after all it is not expensive) or get a free one attached to a web hosting package.
For additional information on free domain names, visit Sofreedomains.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8915816

What An Internet Newbie Should Know About Free Domain Names


If you are a newbie on the World Wide Web, it is very essential for you to get the right information about free domain names so that you will not fall to the wrong side - to every issue, there are positive and negative sides. While you can actually get a domain for free, there are some domains you should not give a second look, except you are online to have fun.
There are two major types of domains - a top-level domain (TLD) and a sub-domain. The former is the direct website address you see here and there while the latter is derived from the former. For example, 'buy.com' is a TLD while 'go.buy.com' is a sub-domain. As a result of this, you should be able to find out the type of free domain you will be given, whether it is the former or latter.
You can get a TLD by registering it with an ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) accredited registrar and there is a fee attached to the process. On the other hand, if you want a sub-domain, you only need to contact a TLD owner to create one for you. Another difference between the two is that a TLD is renewable every year while the other could be free for life. But before you lose your head with excitement because of 'free for life', you need to know the major downside of a sub-domain - you do not have a full control over it. What is the implication of this? The implication is that you are allowed to manage the site according to the discretion of the owner of the domain. So many decisions on basic issues like layout of pages, types of adverts, bandwidth usage, file storage and so on are taken by the owner. The worst part of it is that you won't have access to the Domain Name System (DNS) which is used strictly for the management of domains.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that your website will be available all the time because you will be taking part of the bandwidth that will be allocated to the owner. In fact, you may wake up one day and discover that your website has disappeared online for no just reason. As a result of this, it is advisable for you to stay away from a sub-domain except you are floating a website for fun. But then, if you are launching a business website, it is advisable for you to register a name and it is not expensive to do so. You can also look for a web hosting plan with a free domain name because after registering a name, you need to host. However, it is very important for you to deal with a reputable registrar-cum-web hosting provider so that your online presence will be a success.
You can get more information on free domain names by visiting Sofreedomains.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8929271

Totally Free Domain Names


Domain name is the name that is used when registering a personalized website. It is the exact address a surfer types when searching for a specific webpage on the net. Free domain names are being used for personal use and for those who are starting their business through the net. Having a domain name is a tough job because you have to compete with others in the net.
The domain name you are to use should be unique and catchy words that a customer or a surfer could memorize and easily remember. The domain name can be easily loaded if there is a specific term used in describing your website.
Totally free domain name are used to minimize costs in promoting one's website. In registering your domain name to a website host, the website that your domain name is using should bear the logo of the website host you are registered to. This is called opportunity cost. It is like a two-way relationship that allows you to use the server while the company's name and name are posted on your website. There are no fees being covered if you registered with this kind of system.
It is totally free because you do not have any control with the ad pop-ups in your website, as well as the banners ads and spam mails. One of the disadvantages of having totally free domain name is that you have no guarantee that your website is secured from hackers. There is no always an update in your website, it has limited features and there is no way you can track your customers.
For more great information on Free Domain Names visit our new website http://www.myecommercecenter.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2834058

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Get a Free Domain Name Registration With Website Hosting

How to register a good domain name for free with website hosting Register a domain name for your brilliant idea before someone else takes it.
How do domain names work? When you type a domain name, a request goes out to find out which server on the Internet has that site. The domain name is then changed into a set of numbers identifying that machine. The table that tells which domain name goes with what numbers is called a "registry". So to get a domain name, you need a registrar. ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers) assigns a registrar for every domain. Verisign handles.com, for example. In turn, Verisign authorizes other companies to act as registrars, like GoDaddy. Different registrars offer different prices and different web services.
Next, you need to search to see if is is available. If it is, you can buy the domain. Almost all registrars will try and sell you other services, but you really only need to register the domain name. Enter your name and an address, like a P.O. Box because your address will be listed on the Internet. You might also choose a website hosting provider so that you can begin to create pages and email addresses for your new domain name. Be sure to shop around for a website hosting provider because there are a lot to choose from.
Free domain names with website hosting It may sound confusing, but it isn't. Basically, you just need to find a reputable website hosting company that can register your domain name at the same time you sign up for website hosting. And some website hosting firms will offer you free domain name registration if you sign up for web hosting for one year.
Consider the available web hosting options, such as dedicated server space or shared memory, and plan ahead. Sticking to a budget is important, but think of your budget in terms of about six months. If you choose an inferior package to begin with, it will end up costing more in the long run.
Selecting a web host can be an excellent chance for you to contribute to the environment. If you are running an online business, this can also be a fantastic marketing opportunity. You should be able to easily determine whether the web host utilizes renewable power sources, and if they have energy saving practices in place.
Make sure you know in advance exactly what you plan to use your website for. If you plan on having a site for business use, in that situation, you want a hosting site with plenty of bandwidth, storage space and data transfer. If your site is mainly just going to be for blogging, then you'll want to check into domain mapping.
So get started with your online business idea before someone else grabs it!
Ms. Rosendahl has over 19 years experience in systems analysis, hosted applications, and management as well as 13 years experience in web hosting and Internet marketing. Ms. Rosendahl has a Bachelors from Houston Baptist University with a double major in Computer Information Systems and Business Management. Stephanie is the founder and CEO ofwebsite hosting firm - GreenHostIt.com green hosting.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7108750

Domains Most Wanted 10 Tips - Register a Free Domain Name

Before starting your website you must deem choosing an appropriate domain name for your business and that is the key of your success.
In this article you will learn the hit-and-miss art of choosing suitable domain name into 10 specific points. When summarized, these advices boil down to the following:
Tip - 1:
Hang on to simplicity. Take this is an example; "mymobileonlinestore.com" OR "mobiles.com" you better know that which one is easily memorable and easily typed. Good domain names are frankly memorable and easily typed. Commonly you need to keep them short.
Tip - 2:
Register a free domain name. (Yes its True) This is another great advantage for webmaster and individuals; Top USA hosting providers offer free domains even free for life with their unmatched hosting plans, you will learn more about this in the end of this article.
Tip - 3:
Some time plural formations may give you a great advantage; depends on your business site, if you are selling book so 'books.com' would be a correct choice instead of 'book.com' therefore don't be fearful using plural formations when you need them.
Tip - 4:
You need to stay away from hyphens. All the big and popular sites hasn't used any hyphens, because they tend to produce confusion; for e.g. "http://www.search-the-web.com" OR unique "http://www.google.com" which one you prefer. Other minus point about hyphens is that usually users might not type any hyphens or they may forget which can lead to losing visitors.
Tip - 5:
Are you planning to spread your business mostly in the U.S if not go globally; nearly all countries have their own domain name brands, you can fine the next finest choice. For instance if you are in UK, use ".co.uk" instead of .com
Tip - 6:
Avoid using words that hard to spell. Likewise stay away from using the words that are spelled in a different way in few countries. For instance, U.S. use "color" and GB & Australia use "colour" thus using such words may lessen your site traffic.
Tip - 7:
When you find your desired domain name, after that you must make sure that there will be no trademark issue etc. with your chosen domain name.
Tip - 8:
Branded name is always the prefect choice, if you have truly planned a long term successful business. For e.g. if you have your brand name (Ferrari) using 'ferrari.com' would be the ideal choice rather than a little generic 'fastcars.com' plus you can trademark your branded domain name, so no one will be allowed using your domain name.
Tip - 9:
Another thing which you need to consider is avoid domains that are very alike to existing names. Otherwise you may face a legal issue (tip7); your brand should be unique compare to your competitions.
Tip - 10:
Watch out. Domain name expires on you, to get it back you must be alert usually competitors wait to get these special domains some how, because you don't possess the domain, basically you are leasing it from a provider, that is the reason why any one can grab that if it gets expire.
Even though choosing a domain can be a complicated process, however with all these guidelines to mull over we hope you have mastered that how to get your desired domain name. To conclude the web hosting plan you are going for must fulfill your website requirements, because this is extremely important to host your website with Top Hosting Provider, and you can register Free Domain Name too. There are Top USA Web Hosting Providers, they offer Free Top level Domain Name and many most wanted features. You can easily compare that which web host can fulfill your website taste of desires.
Now compare USA Hosting Providers. Redeem Web Hosting Coupons and get free domains, Free PPC Ads in Google and Yahoo, Plus more Bonuses.
Adam Jan, the author of this article making your web hosting choice easy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1628340

How Can I Register a Domain Name So it Gives Me the Most Traffic?

When you register a domain name, there are a few options you have. First, there are many companies available and the prices vary from $1.50 to $20, but previously used domains with traffic possibilities can even cost thousands of dollars. Of course you will also need hosting, which basically means a company that stores the files that are needed to have your site operational, along with various services, such as site building, blog program, email accounts, etc.
The hard part about registering a domain name is picking the right name. There are literally hundreds of millions of web sites on the internet. This also means many domain names are already taken. This is what some "expert" recommends about picking your domain name:
Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and spell. When deciding on your domain name, come up with a list of your three or four top choices and then search for availability. If all of your names are taken in the.com domain, look for a.net,.org or.info domain instead.
While the above is true in a way and seems sensible, you are going to miss the boat completely if that is all you do. Even worse, you will be losing free traffic that you could be getting for free if you had correctly picked your domain name. It may have a very catchy name, and still bring you no traffic. There are certain very simple laws of search engines, based on keyword search statistics and there are also laws of visitor behavior that you absolutely need to take into consideration when picking your domain name, otherwise it will be a lot harder to start up your site.
At the time of writing, the title of this article gets searched 401 times a day. That is potential traffic if you know how to take advantage of it.
To find out how you can get traffic by correctly picking your domain name..
To get the lowest cost domain name and hosting... click below
How can I register a domain name [http://bargain-s.info/1325/How-can-I-register-a-domain-name-continued.html] so it gives me the most traffic?
John Dime's philosophy is: don't pay for things more than you need to. Find and list your bargains [http://bargain-s.info] here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4073231

Free Domain Name

Many web hosting sites will include a free domain name with some of their web hosting plans. This is an excellent way for them to bring in new customers, since many people are looking to save as much money as possible. Some of these sites will offer to register a free domain name for you for a year and others will make it free for life.
Make sure to read the terms and conditions when you register a free domain name through a web hosting provider. Often, their guarantee will only stand for as long as you are subscribed to one of their hosting plans. Sometimes this also means that they retain ownership of the domain name. So if you decide to switch hosting companies, you may not be able to take your free domain name with you - even if you are willing to pay for it after leaving the original hosting company.
Regardless of the terms that may apply, if you can find a good hosting company that offers you a domain name with their plans, they can save you a bit of money. If their terms will not allow you to keep the domain name after switching hosts, you will want to make sure that the host has everything you will need both now and in the future. Your site will, hopefully, grow over time - and then you may need features not offered by the host you are looking at.
There are a few other ways to obtain a free domain name:
Some websites will let you register a free domain name in return for completing a few offers. These offers may include completing surveys, becoming a member of various sites or signing up for certain services. Some simply want you to view a bunch of ads. This method of obtaining a domain name can be time consuming, though. Each action you do on these sites will give you points, and sometimes you need hundreds of points before you are able to get the free domain name you are after.
Other websites will give you a free domain name in return for a simple link back to their selling page. This link needs to be clearly visible on your home page, and the domain name you receive may not have the most popular extension (.com, .ca or .net), but it is a good way to get started if you cannot afford to pay for a domain name right away. If you can afford to pay a little extra in the future, these sites will often let you pay a small fee (considerably less than it would cost you for a .com or other popular extension) to take their link off of your website.
Registering a domain is a great way to save a bit of money when you are starting a new website. If your hosting service includes a free domain name, even if it is only for a year, then it's one less thing you need to worry about right away. If you choose to earn a free domain by completing offers or by posting a link on your website, you can easily upgrade to a better domain name with a more popular extension once your site has earned you a little extra money.
Abdul Salam is an expert affiliate marketer and also have great knowledge of internet business and web hosting. Find out more about best web hosting and FREE domain name here on [http://funcrisp.com/webhosting]. Read the reviews and user feedback about the best web hosting [http://funcrisp.com/webhosting] company.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3027675

How To Register A Free Domain Name Without Regret

It is possible to register a free domain name and later regret because the line that separates a real domain from a fake one is very thin. There is this story of a guy got a free domain and optimized it for search engines. After a year, the site was well ranked and was getting considerable amount of traffic. One day, to his utmost surprise, he wanted to log in to the site as usual but discovered that he could not do so. When he later typed the URL of his site into his browser, he discovered that his contents remained as they were but the adverts had been changed. He lost the site and wasted time, effort and money.
In order to avoid the situation above, you should be extra cautious with free domains. You must ensure that you get your domain, either free or paid, from a credible source. There are ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) accredited registrars and it is advisable to deal with them only. Some of them can register a name for you for free but on one condition - you must purchase a web hosting plan. If you are not interested in hosting your name, you have to pay to register it but if you are going to host it, you will get a domain name for free and only pay for the hosting. However, you should be informed that web hosting and domain name registration are renewable. If you go for a year plan, you will have to renew it at expiration and same goes for 2-year plan, 3-year plan, etc.
In addition, you should only get top-level domains (TLDs) and not sub-domains. The guy whose story was narrated above got a sub-domain and that was why the owner of the domain was able to deny him access. Nobody can deny you access to a TLD because the DNS (Domain Name System) control is in your hand. The only exception to this is if you commit an offence with the domain, the registrar or web hosting provider can take the site away from you in line with the laws guiding their operations. With the control of the DNS, you can decide to host or park it, but a free domain attached to web hosting plan cannot be parked until the hosting plan expires.
There are lots of free stuffs on the internet, including free domain names, and if you are not careful with them, they may be baits to scam you. As there are criminals in the real world, so also there are on the World Wide Web and it won't be funny if you get into their hands. Hence, it is advisable for you not to rush at free stuffs online. You should endeavor to carry out a little research in order to get a clearer picture before committing yourself so that you won't regret at the end.
You can get more information on free domain names by visiting Sofreedomains.blogspot.com.

Free Domain Name - Is It Really Worth Getting?

People do want a good deal, you too want one. Free domain name is something which is inquired about frequently. By the way, is it really worthy using a free domain name? Mmm... the answer to this question depends on the purpose intended. It is always a good move to maintain expenses low. However, sometimes being too cheap can do more harm than good.
The following are few reasons why it may not be such a good idea to get a free domain name for your website or blog.
1.) You Need Your Own Domain Name for Your Business
Your website should most definitely possess its own domain name that is not for free. This would be described as something like yourcompany.com. Please note that this is not the same thing as having a sub-domain name of another person's domain name like yourcompany.somisp.net.
Many times people take a while to register a name because it costs money, they aren't knowledgeable about domain names or they just have to take time so as to make a decision. But you need to pay a certain amount of money that is charged by the domain name registration company in order to own and use a domain name. You'll get huge benefits in the end unlike using a free domain name.
Domain names such as someispl.net/host-accounts/yourco/, or yourcompany.somisp.net, don't look as professional as yourcompany.com. Although these domain names (someispl.net/host-accounts/yourco/ and yourcompany.somisp.net) are for free, they're not worthy using for a business purpose.
Take the following into account: if you place yourcompany.com and someispl.net/host-accounts/yourco/ on your letterheads and business cards, which one will appear professional? When you advertise your website on the media or talk to clients on the phone, which one do you think people will find to be more memorable? Free domain name will not be suitable compared to a paid domain name.
So, don't lose business and incur unwanted expenses just because you registered a free domain name, make sure that you buy a domain name for your business.
2.) Is It Wise to Get Domain Name at No Charge?
You can register a free domain name from dot tK. But you might encounter problems when you use a free domain name. There are limitations stated on dot tk website. First, you cannot register more than three free domain names. The dot tk owns the free domain name and you'll not own it. This means that you'll never be able to sell it to another person. Obviously, if you pay for a domain name you'll own it and transfer it to another person whenever you want.
In addition, if twenty five people don't visit your website or blog within 90 days, dot tk will cancel your registration. You must first have a website or a blog that has content so that the dot tk domain name is redirected to it. It seems like dot tk utilizes frames to display your website. If this is true, you might have problems with people not able to navigate your website and a risk of search engines not ranking your website.
Thus, for professional business utilization, you shouldn't think about getting a free domain name. Get a paid domain name for your business and experience the real value of it.
The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other team members they are working on Nikenya website [http://www.nikenya.com], a website that you connect with friends, family and read articles about the contentious issues of all time. If you really enjoy reading stories, true stories submitted by people from all walks of life and discuss about the contentious issues, then you will love Nikenya website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5343007

Free Domain Name Registration - Is It Possible?

Can you really register a domain name for free anywhere?
You may have a great idea for a domain name, and you want to register it before someone else does. Or, you may simply want to register your own first name and surname, or a child's name. Perhaps you've seen a place name for a location on the map which is about to get a major residential development, or a new mall, and have discovered that the domain name is not taken yet.
Or perhaps you have read the advice which professional domain-name traders have been giving out recently: do your research, buy good quality two- or three-word generic domains that are unregistered, keep them for a while, then sell them to a company which sells the product or service related to that name. For them, it would be a minor cost of doing business compared with building their factory. For you, it could be a windfall.
But with domains each costing about $9-$10 a year to register with the most reliable online providers, such speculation may end up being costly. This is because you may have to buy hundreds of names to be sure of having a few which will eventually become valuable.
At that point, your thoughts turn to free domain registration - can it be found anywhere?
The answer to that question is yes, but...
Domain names are valuable commodities, especially the shorter ones, and to expect to get safe, secure registration of a domain name for nothing is not realistic.
You can get free domain names, but only as part of another service, which would normally be the hosting of the site itself. There are many very good hosting services which will pay for the registration of the domain you want, if you sign up to host the site with them, for at least a year. Such services are often very reliable, with all the hosting features you need, and come at a very low cost, so the addition of the free domain registration could be seen as giving you your domain for 'free'.
Another way of getting your domain for free would be to use a 'cash parking' service. A domain is 'parked' when it is purchased, but not developed - it is simply left with the registration service. You can opt to allow advertisements to be placed on the page. If a visitor clicks on the ad, you get a share of the click-through revenue. Though you are unlikely to make a lot of money this way, what you do make may be enough to cover your annual registration fee. Again, you could see this as getting the domain registered for 'free', since you are getting revenue without doing any work.
Now keep reading - to check out the services which offer free domains with their hosting, and also where you can make money by buying and then parking domains, check kintraw.com [http://www.kintraw.com/free-domain-name-registration.htm]
Scott Kintraw writes about all the ways the Internet can enhance your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/965008

How Do I Register A Domain Name?

The registration of a domain name is a simple process, even if you are doing it for the very first time. The process for the first-time domain buyer can be broken down into the following steps:
1. You decide on the name you want to buy.
2. You sign up with a domain registration service (this is free).
3. You buy the domain you want using your credit card (this takes a few minutes).
4. You leave the domain name parked with the registrar (as an investment for later, or until you decide what to do with it); or you develop a web site for the domain.
Let's look at these steps in detail.
Deciding on your name
You may know the domain name you want already, and know it is still free - if you don't, just type the name in a browser to see if it is already taken. If it isn't taken, then you can buy it.
If you are not sure about the name you want, you need to do some brainstorming. Short, generic names are the most valuable, but they are in very short supply now. If you need ideas, go to a domain name registrar like Godaddy and use their tools to suggest a free (unregistered) name based on the theme or subject you have in mind.
Signing up with a domain registration service
Go to a service like Godaddy, and register yourself. This means you will have to enter your name and contact address, so that any domain names you buy are registered to you. You also have to enter your credit card details. There is no cost to you for signing up, and you can get an overview of the process of registering a domain and read a FAQ about it before going any further.
Buy the domain you want
After you have registered, you can buy any domain name you want, as long as it is still free. Note that the .com name extension is still the most popular one, though you could buy .net, .info, .org, .tv, or .biz versions of the name if the .com is taken. Expect to pay about $10 for the registration, and then the same every year you want to keep the name registered.
Park the name, or build a site
Services like Godaddy allow you to simply 'park' the domain with them. You own the domain, and no-one else can buy it, unless they make you an acceptable offer of course. Or, you can find a host and build a website for the domain, which is the next step in making the domain a valuable asset.
To read more about domains, how to buy them and how to make money from them, check my domain name registration [http://www.buteland.com/domain-name-registration.htm] page.
Dee Buteland writes about domain names [http://www.buteland.com/index.html] and the domain industry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1052096

Register a Domain Name

How to register a domain name? That is a common question asked by many around the world. I always get asked this question from anyone at work to people on the street. Everyone always thinks that registering a domain name is really expensive or hard to do such a thing. When in every actuality you can get a .com domain for around $7, if not FREE in some cases.
First we will look at the places where you can register a domain name at. There are 3 places that I personally like to register a domain name at. The first place is GoDaddy.com, which is the most popular place in the world to register a domain name. This is the company that put up many commercials on at the Superbowl and sponsors such athletes as Danika Patrick. My second pick is Name.com. The reason I like Name.com is because its one of my most trusted registrars I have ever used to register a domain name. It is secure and simple. The last pick would have to be Moniker.com. This is a great place to hold premium domain names. They may be a little more expensive than most registrars but they are one of the most secure and trusted places on the planet. We will look at how to register a domain name at GoDaddy.com and give you a COUPON to get cheaper registration at GoDaddy.com.
Here is a Step By Step:
1. Go to GoDaddy.com
2. Sign up for an account, to speed up the process when you are ready to check out.
3. Type the domain name you want in the search bar. If it is not available try assorted variations of the domain name or encounter a completely assorted domain name.
4. Once you hit and found the domain you want to register, you just select it for your cart.
5. Now that you have it in your cart, you will be asked if you want to add some services to your purchase. Depending on what you want to do with the domain name you might want some of those services.
6. After you get finished all of the additional products, you should be able to put a COUPON in there to get a discount. Put this code in OYH3, it should give you $3 off.
7. All you have to do next is pay for the domain name with a credit card or paypal. If you do not have a paypal account I highly suggest you get one.
There you have it. All the steps you need to register a domain name name name.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1923232